Plants that I have already planted

Plants that I have already planted

Artichokes, Arugula, Bok Choy, Cabbage, Camellia sinensis (Green tea-I am still waiting for the seeds to germinate), Chard, Cilantro, Corn, Cucumber, Garlic, Green Onions, Horse radish, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mint, Onions (bunch and sweet onions), Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Soy beans, Spinach, Squash, Stevia (sweet leaves), Strawberries and Tomatoes

Plants/Trees that I planted in previous seasons

Asparagus, Blueberries, Cactus, Nectarines, Oranges, Pluots, Rosemarry, Raspberries/Blackberries, Rhubarb, Sage, Thyme

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This is my Camellia sinensis (tea plant).  It is doing well and has some new growth emerging.  It is in a spot that gets a few hours of early morning sun and shade for the rest of the day.  With the hot Sacramento summers it probably can't take any more sun than that until it is well established.  It is also in a spot in my yard that will receive plenty of water.

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